Remove acne
Beauty is the main capital for a woman. Every woman will always keep his body especially for the face. Face an important asset for a woman, it is not only important because it can not be denied that the first part will be considered of a person is his face, not only men, fellow wanitapun if you see a face / face pretty happy and comfortable.

Acne forms such as ulcers and there are different types of acne, there are common acne, cystic acne, and more. Haha I can not mention one by one since it is not the expert well. Acne usually occurs in children or adolescents who are experiencing puberty. At the age of puberty will be accompanied by an excess of estrogen, then timbulah acne. However, factors that dpat cause of acne is not only internal factors, there are some external factors that are already mentioned in the beginning, that tropical conditions are not favorable for our skin because it causes our face oily so easy to infestation by bacteria and other microorganisms that can harm our face , Besides the weather, the offspring can also cause a person to have acne, the use of hard drugs can also cause acne. Merupaka facial skin in the area of skin the most sensitive skin than others, if we are wrong to use drugs, such as topical medications that have excessive doses meal will impact on facial skin becomes thin so prone to acne affected. In addition to some things proficiency level, stress can also cause acne. Kog could yah? Haha my analysis, if one is exposed to stress, the person may akanmengabaikan kesehata kulitmya causing facial skin is not neglected. In biological please ask the experts yah.
Well because we can not wait anymore, how you can deal with acne?
Before we use different types of drugs are medically to treat acne, it helps us try to naturally first.
For mengibati jerwat, the materials we need is saffron, curcuma, tamarind, lime, brown sugar and water. How all the ingredients that we use in our face? certainly before we use in our faces, we have processed all the ingredients tetrsebut first.
First, turmeric and curcuma peeled, then washed clean subsequently sliced. Afterwards, lime split into two, then turmeric and lemon boiled with one liter of water to boil, do not forget to add the sugar and acid. When ripe, the herb is ready to drink. So the results t6erlihat fast, then drink the potion regularly every three days.
Besides these ways, we can also process the other way in practice is to be shredded or blended. Hopefully this information can be made use of. Good luck
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